Scenes from the KTLA Interview with Kurt the Cyberguy
At an undisclosed location in the Los Angeles area, Saints Alive Relic Apostolate was recently seen on KTLA's feature, Cyberguy. The director, Thomas Serafin, is here seen with Kurt as they begin the interview. These images you are seeing were extracted from the footage, and this is the best quality we were able to obtain.
Kurt, who is unfamiliar with the Catholic Faith, was very interested in the unique subject of saints' relics. Here he is been instructed on how relics are preserved in the altar, and portable altar, the antimension.
Here during the interview, Tom briefly compares the Catholic devotional to other devotions non-Catholics may have.
One of the many displays pictured by KTLA during the interview. Although the relics aren't clearly visible here, they did take the opportunity to show many close-ups. We would like to thank KTLA Channel 5, Los Angeles for the opportunity to show film the relics of the saints for the benefit of all viewers.


patron saints